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Ordering will begin mid-December 2024
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Edmonton Potato Growers are proud to offer a large selection of the most popular and productive seed potato varieties available in North America. Scientists believe that the long summer days in the far north

(where EPG's growers are located) produce potatoes with more robust sugars and enzymes, and more productive power, this is referred to as "northern vigour" and all of our seed potatoes have it! Our isolated Northern location along with experienced growers produce seed with the lowest possible disease levels. 

Alaska Bloom 

Alaska Bloom

This early yellow skin, cream flesh variety produces round tubers that are best used for retail fresh, boiling and baking. It is a high yielding variety that has high tuber set and produces tubers with uniform shape. Its pinkish eyes contrasted against a yellow skin make for an attractive combination that is also moderately resistant to common scab.

Banana Fingerling 

Banana Fingerling

This specialty gourmet late season yellow skin, yellow flesh fingerling variety produces small oblong tubers. Incredible flavour and firm texture make this fingerling most suitable for baking, boiling, and steaming however due to the waxy skin it is not as suitable for chipping and French frying. They mature from seed potato size around 105 - 135 days, have excellent storability, and are moderately resistant to common scab.



Early fingerling

Resistant to scab

Great flavor 



This late season yellow skin, light yellow flesh variety produces long oval tubers. It is excellent for fresh market sale and use in boiling, baking, French frying and chipping. It is a high yielding, widely adapted variety that suffers very little from magnesium deficiency. Tubers have excellent storability, low starch content, and are not subject to blackening of the flesh or second growth. Because of high tuber set, small creamer potatoes can be harvested early. Recommended spacing in the row are 40 to 45 cm for table and 20 cm for seed production.

Blazer Russet 

Blazer Russet

This mid-season tan russet skin, white flesh variety produces oblong tubers. It has found a niche within the processing industry as a replacement for Shepody. It is good for processing and fresh market as it has an attractive appearance and excellent culinary qualities. With a fairly firm and mealy texture it is very good for French fries and baked potatoes. It has medium to large tubers that are highly resistant to common scab and have a good storability.



This oval red is an early maincrop that produces uniform tubers. High resistance to damage and bruising makes this an easy to harvest variety. Disease resistance includes common and powdery scab, as well as blackleg.



This early yellow skin, yellow flesh variety produces round to oval tubers that are excellent for boiling or baking. Colomba can be distinguished from other varieties due to its exceptional taste and interesting texture, which provides a wide range of uses and can be harvested early due to early skin set. It is also fairly resistant to common scab. 

Dark Red Norland

Dark Red Norland

This early red skin, white flesh variety produces round tubers that are very good for boiling, French Frying and chipping (best at harvest) and fair for baking. This high yielding variety is good for the early fresh market and home gardens. Dark Red Norland adapt well to different soils however are sensitive to drought and susceptible to skinning and bruising if harvested before maturity. They seldom produces tubers that are irregular in shape, knobby or growth cracked. Tubers are not subject to internal defects like hollow heart, internal necrosis and vascular discoloration and are moderately resistant to common scab.



This mid-season dark brown russet skin, white flesh variety produces oblong to long tubers. It is a high yielding variety with good texture and excellent flavor making it good for fresh market, baking, and boiling. It is also very good for French frying if processed from harvest or short term storage. Tubers are usually smooth and quite uniform with very few external or internal defects, have good storability, and have good resistance to common scab.



Mid season white skin and flesh variety. Short oval tubers

Good storeability. Great multipurpose variety 



This mid to late season white skin, white flesh variety produces elliptical to oblong tubers. It is excellent for boiling, baking, French frying and chipping. It is a high yielding, fast growing variety that is widely adapted and requires close planting (15 to 20 cm between plants) and vine killing to avoid producing oversized and rough tubers. Kennebec has excellent storability with long dormancy period. Tubers will grow green rapidly when exposed to light.

Pacific Russet

This early brown russet skin, white flesh variety produces oblong tubers. It is a high yielding variety of attractive appearance that has a mealy texture, low boiling sloughing, and low after cooking discolouration making it excellent for the fresh market, boiling, baking and frying. Pacific Russet have good resistance to internal and external defects and are highly resistant to common scab.

Russet Burbank (Netted Gem)

Russet Burbank (Netted Gem)

This late to very late brown russet skin, white flesh variety produces long tubers that are primarily sold for the fresh market, baking and boiling and French fry processing. It is a medium to high yielding variety that has an attractive appearance and washes well at maturity and has excellent storability. Russet Burbank requires a uniform moisture supply and long growing season to produce maximum quality tubers and to prevent knobbiness and second growth. To produce large tubers, plants must be spaced 30 to 45 cm apart. Russet Burbank are moderately resistant to common scab.

Russet Norkotah 

Russet Norkotah

This early to mid-season dark brown russet skin, white flesh variety produces long to oblong tubers that are attractive in appearance and uniform in size and shape. It is a medium yielding variety that is primarily sold in count-carton trade as a baker as it is good for baking and tuber shape and type suits that market. Russet Norkotah are not well suited for processing, as well as being poor to moderate for boiling (some after cooking discoloration) and poor for chipping. Russet Norkotah has wide adaptability and good storability with a medium dormancy period as well as having good resistance to common scab.



This mid-season deep red skin, white flesh variety produces oval to oblong tubers that are primarily used for the fresh market. It is excellent for boiling and baking, has no after cooking discolouration, is high in vitamin C, and ranks high in taste tests. It is a high yielding variety that has a medium to long dormancy period, excellent storability, and good retention of red skin color. Adequate warming of seed (at least 7 to 10 days) prior to planting is essential to obtain uniform emergence. Relatively close seed spacing will help optimize yield and tuber size. They are slow to emerge but grow rapidly, tuberization occurs early and tubers bulk at a rapid rate early in the season. It is resistant to second growth and is well adapted to irrigated areas, but moderately tolerant to drought. Tubers tend to develop excessive netting under dry soil conditions resulting in a brownish and unattractive appearance.



Also available from EPG as an organic variety


This mid to late season yellow skin, dark yellow flesh variety produces round tubers. It is a high yielding variety of attractive appearance that is primarily sold in the fresh market as it is good for boiling and mashing. It has rapid foliage development and is quite resistant to second growth, common scab, and bruising. It is highly tolerant to drought and well adapted to sandy soil and has excellent storability. 

Violet Queen 

Violet Queen

This early to mid-season purple skin, purple flesh specialty variety produces long oval tubers with remarkably normal flavour despite its colour. It is primarily sold in the retail fresh sector and has a slightly firm cooking type. The tubers are small and slow to emerge, and have good storability. Violet Queen are fairly resistant to common scab.

White Warba

White Warba

This very early white skin, white flesh variety produces round tubers that are good for the early fresh market and are suitable for boiling and baking but not for chipping as the flesh tends to have a higher water content. 

Yukon Gold 

Yukon Gold

This mid-season yellow skin, light yellow flesh variety produces oval tubers that are sold in the fresh market as it is very good for boiling, baking and French frying, however is unsuitable for chipping as it retains its yellow flesh colour when cooked. This medium to high yielding variety produced attractive, large tubers. It has dryer flesh and good storability.

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